Getting Flood Victims Back on Their Feet

In July 2022, Eastern Kentucky communities were devastated by a historic flooding event. A series of storms brought heavy rainfall over a five-day period, causing catastrophic flooding and landslides. Dozens of lives were lost, thousands of homes were damaged or destroyed and countless personal belongings were ruined or lost. Life as many knew it came to a halt. As painful as it was to experience, Eastern Kentuckians are resilient and have begun the daunting task of rebuilding.

LKLP Community Action is playing a key role in rebuilding communities effected by this horrific natural disaster. Through our Disaster Relief Program, we are able to help residents effected by the July 2022 floods get back on their feet.

Call Now for Disaster Relief Assistance 1-855-776-1464

How We Can Help:

  • Assess needs and develop a recovery plan
  • Advocate on your behalf to gain access to critical resources
  • Assist with FEMA appeals
  • Help refine wording required for funding applications and resources
  • Identify and connect you with valuable resources
  • Assign a Disaster Case Manager to walk with you through the rebuilding/recovery process

Our Disaster Relief Program is available to any flood survivor living in Leslie, Knott, Letcher or Perry county regardless of income. Don’t wait, call us today and let us help you begin again. Call toll-free 855-776-1464.